
Using Sass with JavaFX (in maven)

I have not published an article for a really, really long time, because I felt I had nothing to share. Now I do have the feeling I have just little bit worth sharing.

In case you work with JavaFX you’ll most likely use CSS for styling your application. When doing so, chances are you might enjoy some of the benefits Sass can bring to the table, especially in regard to IDE integration.


Effectively using oh-my-zsh in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Lately I have been working a team, in which my fellow devs mostly use Linux while I decided to stay with Windows. However, whenever I can take a look on their shells, during pair programming for instance, I get a little envious of them, since they use oh-my-zsh in different flavors.

Oh my zsh

Oh my zsh is an extension on top of Linux’ zsh, which provides some really neat features, including docker auto-completion for parameters, containers and images, mvn auto completion, integrated git status, shell theming and so much more, that you should definitely check it out.

By the way, Jekyll will also work out of the box under WSL ;-)


Getting started with Gluon Mobile - or what I learned at Jugend Hackt Hamburg 2017

Last weekend was “Jugend Hackt Hamburg 2017” and even though my task was to mentor the youngsters, I learned how to setup Gluon Mobile from working with a very bright and motivated participant. He came to me because he knew I like working with JavaFX and he heard about that framework, that enables developing android application with JavaFX. We made our way together to getting started with Gluon Mobile on Windows.

By the way, I wrote a summary about Jugend Hackt Hamburg on my company’s blog, which is definitely worth a read.


My first days at triology

I have just recently reported about my new job and, to be honest, so far, my time at Triology has even exceeded my expectations.

My onboarding started with a nice small email sent by the head of our HR, providing answers to questions you might not necessarily want to ask when just joining a company. It continued with an introduction to all the colleagues and some common appointments with HR and IT administration. It just felt well considered and prepared accordingly.


About my 2016 - there and back again

My 2016? Actually, I have just recently realized we’re way into 2017. However, 2016 has been a year of significant change for me and 2017 will be again as well, at least to some degree. Just having come home from JavaLand 2017 I thought writing a wrap-up is good idea.


Windows Clipboard on Steroids

Have you ever imagined to use your computer with a non-functional clipboard a.k.a. copy and paste? This would definitely be painful.

However, even though the basic windows clipboard is essential, the single element clipboard is still annoyingly restrictive. In his inspiring book “The Productive Programmer” Neal Ford recommended to use a clipboard enhancing tool. This thought especially caught my attention and consequently I looked into finding a suitable tool for Windows.


FXML with Scene Builder: filling the stage

In the previous article I explained Stages and Scenes of JavaFX applications. However, when it to came to filling the stage with life I only used dummy content. This article explains how to visually design the actual content of a Stage with FXML and Scene Builder.


Stages and Scenes: unveiling the main actors

When creating a JavaFX application, you need at least following parts

  • an application
  • a main stage with a scene
  • content to be displayed

This is usually what is provided either by the hello-world-sample or the skeleton created by your IDE and typically looks the like in this in image.



Coming from web-development, you’ll most likely know iconic fonts as for example Bootstrap’s Glyphicons or Fontawesome and there’s even more of them. They help a lot in creating appealing UIs. Naturally, I thought it’d be helpful if I could use them in JavaFX as well, after all they’re just fonts. Changing the font of a control isn’t hard and reading a custom font from META-INF is not rocket science either, but still…


Hello, JavaFX World: introductory content

Hello, JavaFX World

I’m just starting to learn JavaFX and I want to share my insights on my path towards mastering JavaFX. I hope that there will be a time when all the try-out-sessions ands mistakes I do now will eventually be useful someone else :)


Global Day of Code Retreat

Global Day of Code Retreat

Last Saturday was Global Day of Code Retreat and thankfully JUG Ostfalen organized a Code Retreat and I took part in this awesome event and want to share my insights.


Devoxx4Kids and Jugend Hackt Nord

It’s been quite some since my last post, but that doesn’t I have been idling ;-)


4 Kids: Devoxx and JavaLand

The last month was amazing. We (that is Alexander Bischof and me) have been on tour for JavaLand 4 Kids and for Devoxx 4 Kids. These kids are awesome and every single event we prepare for the kids makes it even more of a pleasure for us.


EJB Transaction Rollback and Timers


Today I was a little confused when a colleague of mine tried to explain to me the transaction control directives our application depends on. The tough part was to consider all the possible rollback scenarios. To get more insight into rollback behaviour, I created a simple demo project.


AngularJS directives put to use - Part 2


This is the follow up of AngularJS directives put to use - part 1. In the last article I showed how to build a directive for Bootstrap’s navigation bar. While this hugely saves redundant code and totally simplifies adding new navigation entries, I’ll show something even more practical and useful in this article.


AngularJS directives put to use - Part 1


AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that greatly assists in building rich client-side web applications. It pushes techniques well known among backend developers to the frontend, for instance dependency injection (DI) or expression binding (more precisely two-way-binding).


Devoxx4Kids in Karlsruhe

staff shirt
My staff shirt

Last weekend, on 27th September, the devoxx4Kids took place in Karlsruhe (Germany) and I was fortunate to be part of it. Togehter with my girlfriend Anne Doege, Alexander Bischof and Sascha Binger we prepared a workshop about “The Internet of Things” with Tinkerforge. Sven Ruppert spread the idea of a Tinkerforge session on the devoxx4Kids throughout his many talks held for various user groups and gathered the volunteers for our team.


Switching from Joda Time to JDK8 Date Time API

Thanks Joda!

Joda-Time is great. Seriously. It has been a pleasure to work with from the beginning. It was amazing how valuable Jodas LocalDates are when you simply need exactly that: a date without any consideration of time zones.


Hello World!

Although a former professor of mine used to say that ‘Hello World’ is nonesense, I find it be a suiting title for my first blog post.


...where you can find me.

JUG Hamburg (online)


Crypto 101



4 Kids - wie wir Kindern programmieren näherbringen

JUG Darmstadt (online, with slides and recording)


Crypto 101

IT-Hub Braunschweig Barcamp (abgesagt)


Staff and Speaker

Java Forum Nord (abgesagt)



Forum Digitale Transformation


Crypto 101






4 Kids - Nachwuchsförderung unter der Lupe

IT-Hub Braunschweig Barcamp


Staff and Speaker

Java Forum Nord

