My first days at triology
I have just recently reported about my new job and, to be honest, so far, my time at Triology has even exceeded my expectations.
My onboarding started with a nice small email sent by the head of our HR, providing answers to questions you might not necessarily want to ask when just joining a company. It continued with an introduction to all the colleagues and some common appointments with HR and IT administration. It just felt well considered and prepared accordingly.

My desk was completely set up and neatly prepared, including a bit chocolate. This made me feel welcome right from the start. By the way, each of our developers get’s his or her copy of Clean Code.
I’m working on Cloudogu which is soon to be released and I can image to briefly cover it when the time right. What I can say right now, is that it is a whole lot of fun working on it and absolutely interesting to dive into the technology stack, which is mostly new to me :)
Why do I write such an article?
You might wonder, why I am writing this article. I can admit, that I would when reading such an article.
However, I have experienced some onboarding processes myself due to the relatively high number of employers I have worked for, including super small (< 10 people) and super large companies like VW and some in between. Never before have I felt so warmly welcome with the onboarding procedure and I was just totally amazed.
On the other hand, this is the first development job, in which providing supreme tools (a fast Laptop and a license for IntelliJ Idea among others), is out of question. It is true, it should be normal, since there is no point in impeding a well-paid employee with non-supreme tools. But I’ve seen it differently…
By the way…
we’re hiring and just in case you decide to give Triology a try, please mention me in the application ;-)